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Great Britain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac porta nulla. Etiam sit amet venenatis lectus, sed fermentum enim. Sed fermentum purus a gravida vestibulum. Donec condimentum malesuada lacus eu varius.

Placement programme

Our 9 to 12-month placement programme provides a great opportunity to have many new experiences, develop new skills, learn about the work of Coca-Cola and put your new found knowledge into practice, in a stretching role within our organisation.

We advertise at various points throughout the year for these roles. If no vacancies, please sign up for job alerts.

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Tony Augustine, Sidcup Factory Industrial Placement Student 2019-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dictum urna ac euismod posuere. Cras vestibulum ligula augue, sit amet tincidunt dui semper et. Nam nibh urna, convallis a mi et, vestibulum feugiat sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque vel risus turpis.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque luctus ligula ac quam porta, id blandit risus finibus. Ut feugiat lobortis est. Curabitur sollicitudin a urna sit amet vehicula. Nullam ut condimentum dolor. Donec mattis eros hendrerit, posuere dui ut, auctor elit. Proin eget accumsan odio, a placerat erat.

Curabitur ultrices tempor massa sed scelerisque. Vestibulum et augue id est fermentum venenatis ac vitae tortor.Aenean nibh magna, porttitor mattis mauris at, imperdiet interdum eros. Aliquam orci dui, tempus vel arcu et, egestas aliquam nisl. Pellentesque justo lacus, ornare id faucibus sed, ultricies ut quam. Nam gravida est eu leo posuere, non tincidunt dui viverra. Curabitur sit amet orci leo. Etiam convallis convallis nulla, ut aliquet odio semper sed.

Donec egestas ante vel porttitor hendrerit. Ut in mattis purus. In nec augue ex. Ut ullamcorper, eros at gravida cursus, neque nulla tempor lorem, at condimentum purus nisi eu tortor. Mauris lacinia risus massa, at condimentum erat convallis sed. Vestibulum pharetra, metus vel elementum pulvinar, nisi tortor condimentum tellus, malesuada suscipit orci ante vel odio. Integer at pharetra libero.

Frequently asked questions

How long are internships or placements?
What is the application process?
What type of individual do you need to be to apply for these opportunities?
What does the graduate programme consist of?
What are the opportunities to return to CCEP post my degree?

Image Content

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners are successful because we are passionate, hard-working and committed to our products, our customers and each other. CCEP is a place where people can grow, be happy and be well in a safe, open and inclusive workplace.

We are proud to give back to the communities we are part of. Because beyond delivering results for customers and shareholders, we are determined to build a better future for people and the planet. Discover why you should join CCEP here.


Image Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac porta nulla. Etiam sit amet venenatis lectus, sed fermentum enim. Sed fermentum purus a gravida vestibulum. Donec condimentum malesuada lacus eu varius.


Sound interesting?

We are looking for ambitious individuals who want to learn and develop in their career. We are looking for determination and a passion to succeed in your chosen path. Just as important – we're looking for people who have the personality to bring our brands alive!

Talk to our employees